Cow Resources

Calmer is better when working cattle.

Download the PDF worksheet.

Good Milking Practices Bilingual Factsheet

Download the PDF worksheet.

Environmental Mastitis Under Control

Download the PDF worksheet.

How to get cows in and out of the milking parlor more efficiently.

Continuous training and reinforcement of concepts help employees learn how to move cows from the barns, into the holding area, into the parlor, and return to their pens after milking calmly and efficiently.

Dairy Cattle Handling Tips: Don't send the wrong message to cows!

Sometimes when the cows aren't moving efficiently to the parlor, it's not the cows, it's us.

Improve Cow's Milk Production & Efficiency in the Milking Parlor

Parlor performance reports will tell us information about how the milders are working, how the cows are performing, and information about equipment. Improving these numbers will have a huge impact on milk production and the overall milking time, making parlor more efficient.